Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How do I remove a sign that I have 1 email in my inbox when all mail was opened?

This is a yahoo glitch, there are aware of it. Try clicking on Unread messages and see if that clears it. And be sure to look through all the emails to the bottom and next page. Sometimes if you move them to a folder it will show as unread. If this is the case then go to the folder and click the email again.

How do I remove a sign that I have 1 email in my inbox when all mail was opened?
just ignore it,and it will adjust itself.
Reply:I have the same problem... :)

Maybe Yahoo is fooling us since its Fools Day!
Reply:It could also be another glitch that I discovered a couple of weeks ago. For some reason not all emails that are actually *in* the inbox show up in the inbox view. I discovered it because a particular piece of mail I had just read (and not deleted) was not showing up in my box when I wanted to go back and reply to it.

You can however, get to the "missing" messages that aren't showing up (whether they're new/unread or old/read) by clicking on another message that *does* show up and then using the 'previous' and 'next' links at the top or bottom of the email to browse through the other messages in the inbox and you will eventually find the missing "unread" mails (or any other piece of mail you know is in your inbox, but can't access because it doesn't show up on the inbox view).

The best solution for the time being (until this glitch is resolved) is to leave a couple of older mails in your inbox at all times so you always have an older message to click on and then you can just keep clicking the "next" link to get to the newer messages you can't see.

It seems the system seems to make 2-3 messages at a time disappear (though occasionally it's more) and I've found that as long as I have at least 4-5 messages in my Inbox at least *one* link will show up for me to use to click through to the others. Try to keep at least five other messages there at any time for right now, move them from another folder to the inbox right now if no messages at all are showing up in your inbox view.

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