Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Why is my email not coming up after i sign into yahoo mail?

why im i not able to retrive my emails after i sign in

Why is my email not coming up after i sign into yahoo mail?
Apparently, Yahoo is having some issues. I have heard multiple suggestions from multiple people concerning how to access your mail in the meantime. One of them might work for you. All of them might work for you. Or none.

My advice is this: create a gmail account (even just temporarily) and then if you get into your mail, immediately save your contacts and upload them to gmail. That way you can let them all know that you are temporarily at a different email address. I say do this first, because I managed to get through once using one of these tricks, but I haven't since.

1. Under Internet Options, select Low Cookie settings. Then try logging in.

2. Use Firefox, or some other internet provider, to access your computer.

3. Try downloading the latest version of Java at

4. Opt out of Yahoo! Mail Beta by going to this address: and click "yes" my case it actually took me to my email, but only worked once.

If none of that works, you can call 1-877-469-7847 (Yahoo customer service) and see if they have any more ideas for you.

Good luck.
Reply:I've been having the same problem all day! what the heck is going on?

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